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Mettre l'adjectif entre parenthèses au comparatif de supériorité
Merci à ceux qui m'aide ❤️
1. The roads in Japan are ........
........ the roads
in Canada (narrow = etroite))
2. Tinais.
(beautiful) ........... Sarah,
3. Italian food is .....
(good) ... American food,
4. A Mercedes is
5. Timis
(bad) at Geography......... his brother,
6. Caire is
(generous) her brother,
7. A truck is
(heavy) a can.
8. Russia is....
(big) .............. Germany,
9. Max is ...
10. Kate is
(happy) today...
............... she was yesterday,
11. Health is
........ (important) ............. money,
12. This camera is
(expensive )........... mine.

Sagot :

Réponse : bonjour,

adjectif ou adverbe court:  =>  (adjectif ou adverbe) + (er) + (than)

adjectif ou adverbe long:  =>  (more) + (adjectif ou adverbe) + (than)

Explications :

1) narrower than

2) more beautiful than

3) better ( exception good=better) than

4) more comfortable than

5) worse at geography than

6) more generous than

7) heavier than ( exception 2 syllabes terminés par une consonne + 'y'changent en ier )

8) bigger than ( exception syllabe avec une voyelle brève entre deux consonnes, redoublent la consonne finale )

9) more generous than

10) happier than

11) more important than

12) more expensive than
