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Hello,can you help me plz.
Imagine that you went to a shopping shop and you want to buy someghing ,write a conversation between the seller(assistant) and you ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hello sir/miss i want to buy this pant

Okay it's 10dollars

No it is too expensive i can t buy it

What a shame why ?

Cauz i just have 10 dollars to buy some food for my children and i wanted to buy it for my daughter cauz she take part of the google fair.

Okay if you want i can give you the pant naw and you'll pay me later

Really !!! thank you very much

No just kidding


Explications :

You - Hello. Where can i find black shirt please?

The seller - The black shirt are in the back of the shop. Is that all ?

You - Thank you. Where can i find sport clothes and how much do they cost please ?

Seller - They are at your right and the cheapest cost 19.99€ the most expensive cost 89.99€

You - Thank you sir. Goodbye

Seller - Goodbye.

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