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Mettez le verbe entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au present perfect simple.

1. I don't think she (find) the recipe yet.
2. Look! They (break) all the windows!
3. She (stay) with them for two weeks last year.
4. | (know) her for ten years: she's not stupid!
5. He (have) that teddy bear since he (be) a kid.
6. She (lie down) and soon (fall) asleep.
7. (you - know) that the Titanic (sink) on her maiden

Sagot :


Preterit simple :

1) I don't think she Found the recipe yet.

2)Look! They Broke all the window.

3)She Stayed with them for two weeks last year.

4)I Knew her for ten years :she's not stupid.

5)He Had that teddy bear since he was /were a kid.

6)She Lay down and soon Fell asleep.

7)To knew that the Titanic Sank/Sunk on her maiden

1 - has found
2 - have broken
3- has stayed
4 - have known
5- he has had pour have et has been pour be
6- has lain/lied pour lie down et has fallen pour fall
7- have you known pour know et has sunk pour sink.

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