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Bonjour, j’aimerai avoir de l’aide sur mes mots croiser
1, Disabled veterans make and
4. Qpposite of lost.
6. The two-minute silence is
11 o'clock.
8. On November 11, many people
a red paper flower
on their clothes.
9. People wear the fiowers.
10. Opposite of yes.
11. People wear the flowers
their clothes.
13. Official end of the Firgt World War.
14. Stuart says: "For
_ wearing a poppy is very important"
15. Noverber 11, 1918 is the
of the First World War.
17. A poppy is a
2. The British one makes and sells the poppies.
3. Debbie says,
"We should
only remember the soldiers.
4. 1914-1918 was a world one.
5. Old soldiers.
7. They grew on the battlefields of Flanders and Picardy after
the First World War.
10. "Poppy Day" is in this month.
12. Many civilians also
16. Poppies help remember
in wars.
the people who died in wars.

Merci bcp

Bonjour Jaimerai Avoir De Laide Sur Mes Mots Croiser Across 1 Disabled Veterans Make And Poppies 4 Qpposite Of Lost 6 The Twominute Silence Is 11 Oclock 8 On No class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


1, Disabled veterans make and SELL poppies.

4. Opposite of lost = WON

6. The two-minute silence is AT 11 o’clock.

8. On November 11, many people WEAR a red paper flower on their clothes.

9. People wear the flowers TO remember.

10. Opposite of yes.= NO

11. People wear the flowers ON their clothes.

13. Official end of the First World War. = ARMISTICE

14. Stuart says: « For ME wearing a poppy is very important"

15. Noverber 11, 1918 is the END of the First World War.

17. A poppy is a FLOWER


2. The British one makes and sells the poppies. = LEGION

3. Debbie says, "We should NOT only remember the soldiers.

4. 1914-1918 was a world one => WAR

5. Old soldiers.= VETERANS

7. They grew on the battlefields of Flanders and Picardy after the First World


10. "Poppy Day" is in this month. = NOVEMBER

12. Many civilians also DIE in wars

16. Poppies help remember ALL the people who died in wars.


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