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Choose the correct answer GRAMMAR EXERCICES 1. I guess I was a) much b) a lot angry at your decision c) very d) many 2. In space, no one a) will hear b) is to hear you scream c) is heard d) have to hear 3. He reportedly paid this house a) four millions of dollars b) four million dollars c) four millions dollar d) four million of dollars 4. Where do you want a) going b) to going for our day out tomorrow? c) go d) to go 5. They a) pat b) pouted down their pens: the test was finished. c) put d) putted until his last breath 6. It was his knight's duty a) fighting b) of figthing c) to fight d) of fight 7 a) Would b) Do we go to the beach for our day out tomorrow? c) Are d) Shall 8. No one is a) braver b) more brave than he C) as brave d) as braver we buy this new game, mum, please? 9. 9 a) Should b) Can c) Will d) Shall 10. I can't believe this. It a) must b) can be untrue c) can't d) mustn't
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J’espère que tu comprends le raisonnement et que ça a pu t’aider ^^
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