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The second part is the realization of the lion King II, Simba's pride, the movie is produced by Walt Disney and realized by Rob Daluca and Darrell Rooney in October 1998 (nighty nighty eight) This movie is a continuation of the lion king starring in 1994(nighty nighty four). Now I present the characters. The main characters of the lion king Il are Simba, who is now the king of the pride lands, husband of Nala and father of Kiara, Nala is the Queen of the pride lands, wife of Simba and mother of Kiara, Simba and nala's oldest daughter are friends with Kovu. Kovu he is the adopted son of Scar and the son of Zira, as well as the younger brother of Nuka and Vitani. Zira, is the leader of the outsider and Scar's most loyal follower. She is as well the mother of Nuka, Vitani and Kovu, Simba's meerkat best friend, royal advisor and Kiara's guardian Pumba, Simba's warthog best friend, Oyal advisor and Kiara's guardian, The drill Shoman of the pride lands, Simba's hornbill advisor and childhood guardian. And why did I choose this I chose it because this is the first Walt Disney movie that I have watched and that I enjoyed the most​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications : 1998= nighteen nighty eight ( toi tu as écrit 9098)

pareil pour 1994= nighteen nighty four

pour améliorer: "now i present the characters" tu peux dire : Now i'll present ( je vais présenter) c'est plus correct

Kovu is the adoted son (pas besoin de mettre "he")

et à la fin tu as mis "i chose" mais c'est "choose"

voila ! j'espère que ca t'aideras

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