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1- What do you know about the discovery of America?
2- How was the relationship between the native Americans and the first English settlers?
3-What is thanksgiving?
4- What link can you make between thanksgiving and the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers?

Sagot :


1 America was discovered by Francis Columbus on 12 October 1492.

He believed he had established a western route between Europe and the Asian continent ("the Indies")

2 While Native Americans and English settlers in the New England territories first attempted a mutual relationship based on trade and a shared dedication to spirituality, soon disease and other conflicts led to a deteriorated relationship and, eventually, the First Indian War

3 the expression of gratitude, especially to God, an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrim Fathers in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October

4 The Pilgrims thanked God and their new friends, starting a tradition of thanksgiving that never had a precise date of celebration until president Lincoln. The Pilgrims in fact celebrated thanksgiving in relation to the end of the harvest, between the end of September and the beginning of November.

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