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Hi ! can you help me ? ​

Hi Can You Help Me class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

1. The chicken has gone OFF. Throw it out before we make anyone sick.

2. What’s going ON ? You look as if you have just seen a ghost.

3. John has really gone IN FOR building model ships. His room is full of them.

4. I’ve made cookies, but I am not sure there will be enough to go ROUND.

5. Most people think potatoes go well WITH meat.

6. The street lights go ON by themselves at dusk.

7. And now Beckham is running down the field, going AFTER his next goal.

8. He had planned to kill her but he could not go THROUGH WITH it.

9. At 3 a.m. this morning a bomb went OFF at a bank near the city center.

10. On my way to the office, I went BY the mall for some paper supply.

11. We stopped briefly at London and then went ON to Paris.

12. She thinks that orange sweaters go WITH pink slacks.

13. She went AGAINST the wedding, even though it was against her father’s will.

14. Prices went DOWN after the holidays but nobody has any money to buy anything.

Explications :

go after ( something )= viser quelque chose; chercher à gagner … dans phrase 7 : Beckham cherchait, avait pour objectif de mettre son prochain but

Go by = passer par un endroit : phrase 10

go on = - continuer : phrase 11

              - se passer : phrase 2

             - s’allumer : phrase 6

go off = - exploser : phrase 9

             - devenir mauvais ( se gâter ) : phrase 1

go in for = poursuivre une passion, apprécier, aimer : phrase 3

go ( well ) with = aller( bien ) avec : phrase 5

go with = aller avec, être assorti avec : phrase 12

go through with = faire face à quelque chose, l’assumer, aller au bout : phrase 8

go round = assez pour tout le monde: phrase 4 ( expression idiomatique )

go down = descendre / baisser : phrase 14

go against = s’opposer : phrase 13