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Pourriez-vous m'aider svp 1 How old are your brothers? □ a) He will be 16 in 10 days □b) They have 14 and 15 □c) they are 12 and 19 2 Where was your father born?  □ a) He is born in India. □b) He has born in France. □c) he was born in Japan. 3 What are their nationalities? □a) their nationality French. □b) They are Chinese. □c) He comes from Taiwan. 4 What are their hobbies?  □a) I enjoy football □b) Paul and Jo are crazy about soccer. □c) We loving cricket 5 An outgoing person is □a) very shy □b) scared □c) an extravert 6 An excursion with a class is □ a) a field trip □b) recess □c) a club 7 A formal in Australia is the equivalent of □a) high school musical □b) prom □c) graduation day 8 Students in Australia or the USA store their books at □a) the school library □b) in a locker □c) in their bags 9 In Australia students must wear □a) a jacket and a tie □b) a scarf and a belt□c) trainers and a blazer ​

Sagot :



1- c- They are 12 and 19.

2- b- He was born in France.

3- b- They are Chinese.

4- b- Paul and Joe are crazy about soccer.

5- c- an extravert.

6- a- a field trip

7- b- Prom

8- b- in a locker

9- b- jacket and tie ... J'hésite vraiment avec c pour le blazer. Pas les trainers aux pieds, ça, ça m'étonnerait....


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