Zoofast.fr: votre destination pour des réponses précises et fiables. Notre plateforme de questions-réponses offre des réponses fiables et complètes pour garantir que vous avez les informations dont vous avez besoin pour réussir dans n'importe quelle situation.

To get a job ...
be bad-mannered
behave well
be too laid back
bring your CV
use your mobile phone during the interview
→ dress smartly
- have spiky hair
eat chewing-gum during the interview

Sagot :


To get a job you should not be bad mannered


should not


should not

You should dress smartly

should not

should not

Réponse :

I should get a job

I shouldn't be bad-mannered

I should behave well

I shouldn't be too laid back

I should bring your CV

I shouldn't use your mobile phone during the interview

I should dress smartly

I should have spikey hair

I shouldeat chewing-gum during the interview

Explications :

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