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Good morning/afternoon, this is (ton prénom) :Today is the 26th of February 1993. I am directly in the district of lower Manhattan in the United States, where the attack took place.
A truck loaded with 680 kg of explosives disintegrated in an underground parking lot in the north tower, killing six and injuring 1,042 person. The causes of this attack is A 30 x 60 meter crater through five underground levels and uncertainties about the damage to the central load-bearing columns caused the two towers to remain closed for several months.
People were in shock, like this lady who was right across the street :
The lady : We heard a big explosion, everyone panicked, people who were just outside the building were running for their lives but there were others who weren't lucky enough to survive. A few minutes after the police and the ambulance intervened the place to find out if there are still people inside: there had been plenty of wounded and there were 6 dead.
Following this attack the police found the suspects, they were 6 Islamists including Ramzi Yousef were sentenced to life imprisonment for their role in the attack.
This is (ton prénom) of the USWW News.
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