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NASA had visited Mars but never like this. Curiosity, which landed in Gale Crater in August, is a 1-ton, SUV-size Mars car with more scientific instrumentation - 10 times as much by weight - than ever sent to the Red Planet before. But is was how it got there that really made the machine sublimely cool ; the rover was lowered to the ground on cables by a hovering capsule, touching down balletically in preparation for two years of exploration.
Bahar Towers In Abu Dhabi, where temperatures peak at well over 100F (38C), keeping buildings cool is a challenge. Al Bahar Towers feature a facade with intricately designed shades that open and close in response to the sun, reducing heat gain by more than 50%. Using less air-conditioning helps reduce the lower's carbon emissions by an estimated 1,750 tons per year.
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