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B. Melissa Clark is an experienced journalist at NPR. Complete her profile.
(verbe au present perfect + FOR/SINCE)
1. Melissa (BE)
a radio presenter
twenty years.
2. She (WORK)
for NPR
3. She (LIVE)
in Washington D.C.
she left university.
4. She (WORK)
ten years.
in environmental subjects
she started at NPR.
5. She (WIN)
two prizes for her work
the president twice
the beginning of the year.

Sagot :

Hi !

1. Melissa has been a radio presenter for twenty years.

2. She has worked for NPR since 2004.

3. She has lived in Washington D.C. since she left university.

4. She has worked for ten years. in environmental subjects Since she started at NPR.

5. She has won  two prizes for her work.

6. She has interviewed the president twice since the beginning of the year.

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