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Your sister who is in another part of the country wishes to marry a man living in your area whose
character leaves much to be desired. Write a letter to your sister stating at least three reasons why she
should not marry the man.

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hi sis!

It's me « name », I remember that in the past, we were talking about the marriage, and you said that you wanted to marry Lucas who is living in my area.  

- I don't agree with that because some friends of mine saw him cheating on you with some girls and I have some proof about it.

- I also saw him walking with a group who seems to be part of some ragtag, robber, any sort of thing that are related to it.

- I wanted to ask to you if you really love him because I think that you aren’t really in love with him. I’m stating this fact from what I have seen from the day you introduced him to me until now.

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