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Aider moi pelade il faut compléter

Aider Moi Pelade Il Faut Compléter class=

Sagot :



1. Under apartheid, black people weren't allowed to live in white areas or be in white areas after hour...

2. Under apartheid, black people had to carry a pass with their ID number when they left the Township.

3. Under apartheid, people were able to have a sexual relationship with someone of the same race but they couldn't be with someone of a different race.

4. Under apartheid, people could go back to their township before a certain hour.


can = possibilté/permission

can't = incapicité/interdiction

be able to = pouvoir/autorisation

be allowed to = autorisation

have to = obligation

Selon le contexte des phrases, on sait si l'on doit mettre au négatif ou au positif. Le temps est au passé simple.

En espérant avoir aidé :)

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