Zoofast.fr: où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Posez vos questions et obtenez des réponses détaillées et fiables de notre communauté d'experts dévoués qui sont là pour vous aider.

bonjour, pouvais vous m'aider svp c'est important !!

Bonjour Pouvais Vous Maider Svp Cest Important class=

Sagot :


Salut ! ^^

Dad drived us to school this morning

Max works at an internet cafe

We can not go aboard this year because if the pandemic

it never rains in Atacama desert Chile

Marty does not usually go to the fitness center on monday

What is that i hear sounds that are not there

We are thinking of leaving Britain next year to go to the America

I will see my ex husband next Monday

This box weights a lot. What is in it?

What are you doing under the table?

She never talk to anyone about her problems

Mary looks very sad

They will spend a few days in Stockholm next month

You can't go in. They are having a meeting.

I think I'll have a cup of coffee

You're going finishing with me on Sunday

I work here as a waiter on weekends

Max appears to be a nice student. Let's see how he does in class

I understand what this letter means. It makes no sense

I'm taking the dog for a walk because it's sunny outside

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