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ENGLISH TEST : Writing a letter

You are a French student and you are going to spend a two-week stay in New York.

Write a letter to a host family there.

a- Thank the family for hosting you.

b- Introduce yourself ( name, age, family, the place where you live, studies, hobbies, likes and dislikes

c- Explain why you are interested in New York.

d- Ask questions about the family, the city, the activities to do, the places to

e- Express wishes and use IF clauses.

f- Interest in this type of stay ( language, culture, studies, future job.......etc).

g- Conclude.

Sagot :


Hello thank you for welcoming me, it's very kind of you, my name is ...., I'm ... years old, I can't wait to come! in France it's not the same as in New York. Usually in France I just go out with my friends, go to the movies and a little sport I always try to do something I hate to do nothing. I wanted to come to New York to see life there, for my study and to improve my English. At home, what do you do on weekends as an activity? I wonder if there are many places to visit like in the movies, I am interested in law later I would like to become a lawyer, are there any good courts? I hope so, look forward to seeing you in 2 weeks! Good day to you

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