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Expression écrite :
you just come back from studying abroad . Write an article on tje school newspaper to talk about you experience say what you liked and disliked and give advice to you younger classmates who want to study in another country. Overcall, were you satisfied with your experience

J’ai vraiment besoin d’aide , merci d’avance !

Sagot :


voilà ce que j'ai à vous proposer :

i am come back from studying abroad, i liked to visit the city, shops and parks. the school was amazing with classrooms, the library and the canteen. I liked too to meet new people, people was so kind and helpfulI.

I advise you to learn the language very well, don't be shy and alone, go meet people they are really open-minded and they will teach you a lot of things.

I liked this experience and I hope to do it again.

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