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hey je dois regarde la vidéo "Tom's holiday" et completer l’exercice mais je n’y arrive pas pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Hey Je Dois Regarde La Vidéo Toms Holiday Et Completer Lexercice Mais Je Ny Arrive Pas Pouvez Vous Maidez Svp class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

a. For his summer break, Tom went to Los Angeles.

b. He stayed there three weeks.

c. On the Walk of Fame, he saw Shrek’s star.

d. He took twenty-three pictures  of him standing next to a palm tree.

e. It was over a hundred degrees ( 100°Fahrenheit )

f. Jasmine didn’t post any photos of her holiday because it was the worst

holiday ever.

( Car broke down. Garage bill. Bad weather.Toothache …)

g. On the way to the Lake District the car broke down.

h. They had to push the car a quarter of a mile.

i. It cost £300 ( three hundred pounds )to get the car fixed.

j. She brought back a big bill from the dentist and a toothbrush.
