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Bonjour, c’est pour un dialogue en anglais entre le vendeur et la cliente (magasin vêtements)vous pouvez m’aider svp ?

Sagot :


Réponse : Voici une idée

Vendeur:- Hello!

Client:- Hi!

Vendeur:- Can I help you?

Client:- I'm okay, I'm just looking.

Vnedeur:- Alright, come to me if you need anything.

Client:- I will, thank you.

Vendeur:- No problem.

Client:- Actually!

Vendeur:- Yes?

Client:- It's my cousin's birthday next week, maybe you can help me find

something for her.

Vendeur:- Of course! Do you have something in mind?

Client:- Well, I know she's looking for a comfortable big coat at the moment.

Vendeur:- Okay, follow me.

Client:- Alright.

Vendeur:- First of all, we have that big kaki puffy jacket.

Client:- Mmmh...I was thinking of something longer, maybe a knee lentgh coat.

Vendeur:- Okay... Well we have that one! Available in red or black.

Client:- This one is really pretty!

Vendeur:- Isn't it?

Client:- But I don't think she'd like it. She loves long verry fluffy coats.

Vendeur:- Really? You should have told me sonner, I'm sure I have the one!

Client:- Well, show me!

Vendeur:- Here it is. Long brown fluffy coat. It's also available in cream color.

Client:- It's perfect! It's totally her style!

Vendeur:- Great! Which color would suit her best?

Client:- Mmmh...I think she would prefer the brown one.

Vendeur:- Alright, are you ready to checkout?

Client:- Oh wait! One last thing.

Vendeur:- Yes?

Client:- I'll take the black knee lentgh coat you showed me earlier.


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