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Merci de me aider svp

Merci De Me Aider Svp class=

Sagot :


he is frequently late for class

they are always happy

does she often help her mother ?

Ann is generally in bed at 11:30

Molly visits the museum occasionally

you rarely study for the exam.



Les adverbes de fréquence se placent avant le verbe.

Mais après le verbe "be"

Réponse :

- He often listens to the radio.

- They sometimes read a book.

- Pete never gets angry.

- Tom is usually very friendly.

- I sometimes take sugar in my coffee.

- Ramon and Frank are often hungry.

- My grandmother always goes for a walk in the evening.

- Walter usually helps his father in the kitchen.

- They never watch TV in the afternoon.

- Christine never smokes.

Tom usually reads the newspaper in the morning.

He is frequently late for school.

They are always happy.

Does she often help her mother?

Ann is generally in bed by 11:30.

Molly occasionally visits the museum.

You rarely study for the exam.
