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2 Trouve le mot correspondant aux
définitions suivantes.
Bonjour,pourrez vous me répondre
je n’arrive pas
a. a party at the end of the
school year:
b. an elegant suit for the prom:
c. the group of teachers in a school:
d. a student in 9th grade:
e. be a member of a club:
...... a club
Merci d’avance

Sagot :



Réponse :

a. a party at the end of the school year: the prom

b. an elegant suit for the prom: a tuxedo ( un smoking )

c. the group of teachers in a school: the faculty

d. a student in 9th grade:  a freshman

e. be a member of a club: to fellow a club ( être membre d’un club )


Explications :

9th grade ( US )  = 3ème en France

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