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Bonjour j’ai besoin d’aide svp

Merci pour ceux qui veulent m’aider

Bonjour Jai Besoin Daide Svp Merci Pour Ceux Qui Veulent Maider class=

Sagot :


Réponse :

Bonjour, pour l'ambitieux et la derniere truc( en fin je fais un peu mais tu dois dire ta profession, aussi tu as droit mentir par ex tu peux devir 1 docteur, donc du coup je te lassie fais tous sa). Good luck my friend

Explications :

Hello, so today i'm going to represent/introduce myself to you. So my name is ...(ton prénom et nom) , I'm ...(ton age) years old. I live in... (ta ville)  with my dad,my mom, my sister or brother(si tu as 1 soeur ou frere), and also with my dog/cat(si tu en as?). i have a happy family, enthusiasm and a cheerful family.I want to work well in school to have a better life because if you do well in school you can get/become what you want. That's why I'm going to work well in all subjects (for example, math, history and science ...) and that maybe I can become a scientist or engineer or other ... in the future.