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Bonsoir j'ai ce dm pour demain et je ne comprend pas vous pouvez m aider svp

Dans les phrases suivantes conjuguez les verbes au présent simple ou au présent en BE + ING

1. Janet ... (hate) cooking and she always ... (let) Michael do the cooking for her. I... (not/know) how he can stand it! She always ... (complain)! She ... (not/ work) right now and she could make an effort!

2. My parents never ... (let) me watch TV in the evening. I usually ... (finish) my homework at 6, so why ... (they / not / want) me to watch the series that you and our other friends ... (watch) every night.​

Sagot :


hating leting


je sais pas la suite mdrr

I would say :
1 Hates/ lets/ dont know/ complains/ is not working

2 let
Dont want
Are watching