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5 Complétez avec be conjugué au présent, à la forme
a. Peter ......... sixteen.
b. I............ a student in a vocational school.
c. Organic restaurants .......... very popular.
d. Hey, John! ....... you ready?
e. Sarah and I........... at the cafeteria.
6 Complétez avec le pronom personnel qui convient.
a........'m Sophia........ m British.
b. My brother is Alex,......... is sixteen.
c. Pam and I are at work........... are secretaries.
d. Cynthia and Tom live in London............ are married.
e. Are............at the reception at the moment?

Sagot :

Réponse :


a. Peter is sixteen.

b. I am a student in a vocational school.

c. Organic restaurants are very popular.

d. Hey, John! Are you ready?

e. Sarah and I are at the cafeteria.

6 Complétez avec le pronom personnel qui convient.

a. I'm Sophia I’m British.

b. My brother is Alex, he is sixteen.

c. Pam and I are at work, we are secretaries.

d. Cynthia and Tom live in London, they are married.

e. Are you at the reception at the moment?

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