Answered où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Rejoignez notre plateforme pour recevoir des réponses rapides et précises de la part de professionnels expérimentés dans divers domaines.

Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider svp merci d’avance.

Conjugue les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérite simple. Attention aux types
de phrases et aux verbes irréguliers!

1. ...(you/go) to Paris yesterday?
No, but I... (go) to London.

2. I.........(take) the Eurostar and I ………(arrive) at Waterloo Station.

3. I...(meet) old friends there.

4. They ……(be) all very happy to see me.

5. I ……(visit) the town with them.

6. But I ....(not see) Prince Charles!

7. And I ……. ( not go) to Buckingham Palace!

8. Anyway! It …… (be) a wonderful journey!

Sagot :


1. ...(you/go) to Paris yesterday?

                    Did you go to Paris yesterday?

No, but I... (go) to London.

                    No, but I went to London.


2. I.........(take) the Eurostar and I ………(arrive) at Waterloo Station.

        I took the Eurostar and I arrived at Waterloo Station.

3. I...(meet) old friends there.

           I met old friends there.

4. They ……(be) all very happy to see me.

       They were all very happy to see me.

5. I ……(visit) the town with them.

           I visited the town with them.

6. But I didn't see Prince Charles!

7. And I didn't go to Buckingham Palace!

8. Anyway! It was a wonderful journey!

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