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CE 3) Complete the text with the following words.
One word can be used several times. Wordbank: looks - has - is - weighs - doesn't look - wears - are looks
Compared to Thor, Loki like an athlete but he looks very ordinary
He.... a pale face. He .... sleek black hair and watchful green eyes. He was not born in Asgard and his
real skin is blue and his
eyes.... red. He..... thirty but he is over a millennium
in age. He hates and..... jealous of Thor. He is slender - he...
83 kilos - and black clothes. However Loki is only 1.88m tall and
he......... rather small for a Frost Giant.​

Sagot :


He has a pale face.

He has sleek black hair

His eyes looks red.

He is thirty.

He hates and is jealous.

He weights 83 kilos

He is rather small.

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