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Bonjour, je dois faire un dialogue d’environ 5 lignes entre le principal et la profe/parent qui parle de la fille qui s’est battu en classe. (Par ex: parler de la punition qu’elle va avoir, pourquoi elle s’est battu)

Bonjour Je Dois Faire Un Dialogue Denviron 5 Lignes Entre Le Principal Et La Profeparent Qui Parle De La Fille Qui Sest Battu En Classe Par Ex Parler De La Puni class=

Sagot :


Bonjour, j'espère que c'est bon :

-Hello you are Lisa's parents (la fille =lisa)

-Yes we have been warned that it is beaten today that it is it to pass?

-Well, one of those comarade pushes him around without doing it intotionally and she starts hitting him

-We are so sorry to hear, you that his mate is he okay? We did not know what was so violent, What punishment will Lisa have?

-Well Lisa will be expelled from the establisment for 3 days and will have a disciplinary council, then she will have to apologize to her friend.

-Yes obviously this is all fair we are sorry for her behavior this will not happen again, and of course she will be sanctioned at home.

-Thank you for your understanding I'll let you accompany Lisa good day goodbye

-Yes good day

Voilà dit moi ci des truc ne vont pas (-:

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