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Bonjour! J'ai vraiment besoin d'aide

Je dois raconter mon dernier weekend (au prétérite) environ 150 mots
Je peux inventer​

Sagot :

Réponse :

so this weekend was really exciting, i did many things first i finished my math french and english homework and then i played some video games with my cousins,freinds and siblings and then  we went out for lunch. after that i played football and basketball with my brother. The next day i went to six flags with my cusins my mom and my brother, we went on a lot of rides wich were scary but fun i also met some friends there we talked and had a lot of fun ,  then later on i went to visit my grandparents i was really happy because i havnt seen them in a long because of covid. That was bassicaly my weekend.

Explications :

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