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Acceleration due to gravity (g) is also known as the gravitational field strength and is the force that acts on amass of one kilogram at a point in gravitational field. So four points near and on the earth's surface, g=10Nkg-¹
To use above equation, mass must be expressed in kgs
1. What is the weight of a body whose mass is 250g?
2. What is the weight of abull of mass 180kg?​

Sagot :


1) Weight = mass × gravity

W = m × g

i know g = 10N/kg and m = 250 g = 0,250kg

so Weight = 10N/Kg × 0,250kg

Weight = 2,50 N

The Weight of a body whose mass is 250g is 2,50N

2) Weight = mass × gravity

W = m × g

i know g = 10N/kg and m = 180 kg

so Weight = 10N/Kg × 180kg

Weight = 1800 N

the weight of abull of mass 180kg is 1800 N

Good day!