Zoofast.fr propose un mélange unique de réponses expertes et de connaissances communautaires. Trouvez des réponses détaillées et précises à toutes vos questions de la part de nos membres de la communauté bien informés et dévoués.

Bonjour, c'est pour demain pouvez vous sil vous plait

Your situation:
You have entered a public speaking competition in English organised by your local Rotary Club.
Here are the entry rules:
Each candidate must speak on the following subject:
“The importance of good coaching for both individual and collective sports.”
Your task:
Get ready for the competition. Write down what you intend to say. (200 words)
Remember that your objective is to convince the jury that you are able to defend your point of view with
original and well-articulated ideas

Sagot :

Some ideas:

- someone who learn by himself or with people who don't give him the right clue to practice efficiently, can learn mistakes or things that he must avoid to play, swim, run… well, and sometimes not to get hurt. If he don't have those clue he may not progress at all. It will be a waste of time for not much results.

-a low progression, we'll discourage the athlete, he will be discourage of not seeing any results and he may not want to pursue in the discipline.

-a bad coaching, will give the practitioner the impression that he's not being taken care of, that the coach don't take is work seriously.

-a wrong coach won't give any passion to his member(s), and if they don't have any passion for what they doing, the sport moment won't become source of joy, but more like banalities.

But what we want to show is that sport is an endless resource of improvement, human contact, health, happiness, sharing and a lot of others things that are vital in life.

That's why we need someone to guide us in the right path, someone who have already experienced this, so that we can benefit from all the virtues of sport, without missing out.

Voilà quelque pistes…

Merci d'utiliser cette plateforme pour partager et apprendre. Continuez à poser des questions et à répondre. Nous apprécions chaque contribution que vous faites. Chaque question trouve une réponse sur Zoofast.fr. Merci et à très bientôt pour d'autres solutions.