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bonjour je n'arrive pas à faire cette exercice
4. Réécris les phrases à la voix passive en utilisant les mêmes temps.
a. They make these cars in Japan.
b. You must not drop litter in the street.
c. Someone smashed our window last night.
d. They have already repaired the TV set.
e. People will need public transport.
f. They are decorating the wall.
g. You should not replace the roof.
h. People are spending less money this year,
i. They had cooked the meal before 10 o'clock.
j. They sell this food in every shop.
k. Someone was building the wall when I was there.
l. People sent more parcels last year
Merci d'avance pour votre aide​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. These car are made in Japan by them

b. Litter mustn't be dropped in the street by you

c. Our window was smashed last night

d. The TV set has already been repaired by them

e. Public transport will be needed

f. The wall is being decorated by them

g. The roof shouldn't be replaced by you

h. Less money is being spent this year by people

i. The meal had been cooked before 10 o'clock by them

j. This food is sold in every shop by them

k. The wall was being built when I was there.

l. More parcels were delivered last year by people

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