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bonjour j’ai un exercice d’anglais que je ne comprend pas pouvez vous m’aider.. merci d’avance.
complète the sentences. Use the present
perfect - positive or negative.
My mum isn't at home now. She
(go) to the supermarket.
So far this month I
three films.
I'm hungry. I
(have) my lunch
(see) Helen yet today.
Is she at school?
Our football team
(win) all
its matches so far this
I don't know your boy-friend. I
(meet) him yet.

Bonjour Jai Un Exercice Danglais Que Je Ne Comprend Pas Pouvez Vous Maider Merci Davance Complète The Sentences Use The Present Perfect Positive Or Negative My class=

Sagot :



she has gone to..

i have seen..

i haven't had..

i haven't seen..

has won..

haven't met..

attention aux irréguliers :)

Réponse :

Explications :

Il faut juste conjugué les verbes entre parenthèses en utilisent le présent positifs ou négatifs