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Bonsoir tout le monde besoin d'aide pour l'exercice suivant en Anglais merci d'avance Bonne soirée . Réécris l'email de Lynn en utilisant who et which pour le rendre moins répétitif voici le texte. Hi Tim! YesterdayI went to the cinema.The cinema is close to home.I saw the last Spielberg film.The film was fantastic.The main actor is Spanish.The main actor is absolutely great! My friend Deirdre likes him a lot.Deirdre saw the film too.I think you should go and see this film! this film is just great

Sagot :

bonjour !

Hi Tim ! Yesterday i went to the cinema which is close to home .
I saw the last spielberg film which was fantastic.
The main actor is absolutely great !
My friend Deirdre like him a lot.
Deidre who saw the film too!
I think you shoul go and see.
this film which is just great.