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Shirley a participé à l'organisation du spectacle de fin
d'année au collège. Elle résume qui va faire quoi à ses
camarades de 8C. Lis l'exemple et rédige son discours.
9D / organize / karaoke : 9D are going to organize a karaoke.
a) The PE teacher / help / with the choreography
b) We / write / a funny sketch about exams
c) 7B / sing / "Today's Monday"
d) The school band / play / Peter and the Wolf
e) l/write/programmes / and 8A / sell / them

merci de bien vouloir m'aider s'il vous plaît. ​

Sagot :

a) The PE teacher will help with the choreography

b) We will write a funny sketch about exams

c) 7B will sing “Today’s Monday”

d) The school band will play Peter and the Wolf

e) I will write programs and 8A will sell them
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