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Bonjour aider moi svp,

Mets les phrases suivantes au present perfect simple ou en be + V-ing.

a. How many hours....... (you / work) on this? You look awful.

b. They ...... (give up) waiting on him to finish his model.

c. ........ (know) this competition for a long time, and I still like participating.

d. He ...... (cut) cardboard all day, his hands hurt.

e. She ...... (glue) this house for hours, it won't stick!

f. He ...... (finish) the model but now has to paint it.​

Sagot :



a. did you work

b. were giving up

c. knew (vi)

d. cut

e. glued

f. finished


Quand c'est une action passé et terminé c'est ed ou deuxième case quand cest un verbe irrégulier. And when l'action est passé mais était en cours dans le passé on mets (was ou were selon le nombre) et ing (a dog was eating his foods ; the pupils were chatting when the prof arrived.)


a. How many hours you have worked on this? You look awful.

b. They have given up waiting on him to finish his model.

c. I have known this competition for a long time, and I still like participating.

d. He was cuting cardboard all day, his hands hurt.

e. She was gluing this house for hours, it won't stick!

f. He has finished the model but now has to paint it.​


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