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bonjour pouvez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît je comprend rien de rien

Souligne les propositions relatives et entoure leur antécédent. Réintroduis le pronom relatif
chaque fois qu'il a été omis.

1. This is the hotel that belongs to Mrs Brown.
2. This is the hotel we stayed in last year.
3. It's a song that was written a long time ago.
4. It's a song I learnt at school.
5. The guy she likes lives in London.

Sagot :


Réponse :

1. This is the hotel that belongs to Mrs Brown.

2. This is the hotel we stayed in last year. This is the hotel where we stayed…

3. It's a song that was written a long time ago.

4. It's a song I learnt at school. It's a song that I learnt…

5. The guy she likes lives in London. The guy that she likes…

Explications :