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Décrire ( en anglais) les images du livre p.28-29.
Aidez moi svp avant demain

Décrire En Anglais Les Images Du Livre P2829 Aidez Moi Svp Avant Demain class=

Sagot :

Réponse :


On the picture we can see a dog with two eskimos.

It is represented by a melting glacier where we can see a ballaine and a poster where it says product of Quebec

We also see a map of America.

Good night!! ;)

Réponse :

Bonjour voici ce qu'il faut écrire sur ton cahier

Explications :

In the picture on the page 28 is the bright nice ocean and under the beartiful ocean I can see two persons with a wolf  they are wearing heavy coats because it is really cold. On the picture on the page 29 I can see a map of canada and a big whale over the big ocean blue and on top of the map I can see a beautiful view with montains covered in snow and a nice river and right next to the river I can see a nice land with grass and finaly I can see in the middle of the pages a groupe of peaple standing and smiling in the cold winter.

Et voilà la discription pour ton devoir

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