
Explorez une vaste gamme de sujets et obtenez des réponses sur Rejoignez notre plateforme interactive de questions-réponses et obtenez des réponses précises et rapides de professionnels dans divers domaines.

Write the verbs in Present Simple
1.-Martin ......... (wash) his car every
2. Daniel always....
(run) in the marathon
3.- Martha (not laugh) with my jokes
4.- Lorena often .......(wear) sunglasses
5. The baby often (sleep) in the
6. William
(not tidy) his bedroom
7. Leonor....
(help) her father in the shop
8. We sometimes .... (cat) fish and chips
9. Patricia ........
********* (not understand) English
10.-Miriam (dust) the lumiture
11.-toThat woman ........
Igo) shopping on
(smoke) a pipe
(have) a nap after lunch
13.-My granddad
14.-You .....(watch) television in the
15. These men ..
(repair) my windows
16.-Josephine never .........
(do) her
(visit her uncle at the
18.-Today the sun ..........(shine)
19.- The wind (blow) at night

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Sagot :

Réponse :

1) washes

2) runs

3) doesn't laugh

4) wears

5) sleeps

6) doesn't tidy

7) helps

8) eat

9) doesn't understand

10) dustes

11) goes

12) has

13) smokes

14) watch

15) repair

16) does

17) visits

18) shines

19) blows

20) doesn't ride

Explications :

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