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bonjour, pouvez vous me corriger les faute d'orthographe et conjugaison merci.

The outfit of scool is white and black, form skirt, shirte and pants that scool dont know harssment clothing. The student have a badge for the scool.

The Gymnasium and the classroom is futuriste rooms. She he spacious and confortable despite is epileptic .

The cafeteria is a chic, we have a waiter and a head chef in a kitchen. The food is very good for the figure and is delicous.

Sagot :


The outfit of school is white and black, form skirt, shirt and pants that schools don't know harassment (?) clothing. The student has a badge for the school. The Gymnasium and the classroom are futurist rooms. She he spacious and comfortable despite being epileptic.The cafeteria is a chic, we have a waiter and a head chef in a kitchen. The food is very good for the figure and is delicious.

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