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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider

Complète les énoncés suivants selon qu'il s'agit de possibilités futures
ou de situations imaginaires.

a. If the laboratory finds more money, they
... (work)
on a new anti-ageing pill.

b. If I could travel through a wormhole, I.
(try) to meet
my ancestors.

c. If NASA conceives a rocket that travels much faster than the speed of light,
the Americans will
(explore) new planets.

d. If I could live forever, I will
(learn) many different jobs.

e. If one day I have a robot, I will
(program) it to do
my homework.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a)If the laboratory finds more money, they will work on a new anti-ageing pill.

b)If I could travel through a wormhole, I would try  to meet my ancestors.

c)If NASA conceives a rocket that travels much faster than the speed of light, the Americans would explore new planets

d)If I could live forever, I would learn many different jobs.

e)If one day I have a robot, I will program it to do my homework.​