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Bonjour aidez moi svp c'est un travail que je dois rendre dm a 10h00 et je n'y arrive pas - Consigne : Mettez les verbes à la forme qui convient.
Merci d'avance.(◍•ᴗ•◍)

a. They (can+not+ enter) the church the doors (lock) from the inside.
b. Rowan (go) to Winchester He (be + not) here to defend her anymore.
c. The villagers (have) nothing to eat anymore: the Vikings (burn) all the crops
d. The longboats (be) frightening. Their prows (bc + carved) to strike terror into most hea rts.
e Rhiannon (look) at the Viking longboats on the horizon. She (hean) of what they did and (be) terrified.​

Sagot :


A) They can't not enter to the church the doors was lock from the inside.

B) Rowan went to Winchester he is not here to defend her anymore.

C) The villagers haven't nothing to eat anymore the vikings burned all crops

E) Rhiannon looks at the Viking longboats on the horizon. She heard of what they did and was terrified.

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