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bonjour, je dois faire ce devoir en anglais svp c'est pour demain. Merci et bonne journée à vous.​

Bonjour Je Dois Faire Ce Devoir En Anglais Svp Cest Pour Demain Merci Et Bonne Journée À Vous class=

Sagot :

1. speak

2.the arrest of a criminal

3. short

Hello to all, following the homicide committed three days ago in Wallet Street with two dead and five injured, it was discovered that the police were able to catch the criminal. The criminal was arrested near a Chinese restaurant where the surveillance cameras had filmed his strange behavior. The man was coming and going from the restaurant every four hours, and he was always wearing the same clothes, including a pair of jeans with blood on the bottom of his left foot.

The police following the call of the owner of the restaurant arrested him last night as a suspect, but apparently the culprit expressed himself by repeating "that he didn't mean to do it and that he didn't know what he was doing."

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