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Bonjour je dois effectuer cet exercice ou je n’ai absolument rien compris pouvez vous m’aider svp voici l exercice :

Compare les éléments ci-dessous en utilisant
les adjectifs proposés. Donne un avis personnel,
e.g. a trip to the sea / a trip to the mountain-
I think a trip to the sea is as interesting as a trip to
>I think a trip to the sea is not as interesting as a trip
I think a trip to the mountain is more interesting
the mountain.
to the mountain.
than a trip to the sea.
1. The Eiffel Tower/ the Empire State Building (tall)
2. A polar bear/ a seal (dangerous)
3. Water / Coke (tasty)
4. Canada / France (spectacular)
5. Skiing in Chamonix / skiing in Scotland (memorable)
6. Sightseeing in Paris / sightseeing in Belfast
7. Winter camping / summer camping (exciting)
8. Maple syrup / peanut butter (sugary)

Sagot :



Pas compliqué à faire si tu sais utiliser la comparaison...

Puisque qu'on te demande ton avis perso....


as  adjectif as +


less + adj. + than


adj. longs

more + adj. + than

adj. courts

adj. + -est + than

adj. en -y => -iest   (funny = funniest/ pretty = prettiest...)

adj. se terminant par consonne/voyelle/consonne => on double la consonne = fat => fetter / big => bigger...)


good = better

bad = worse

far = farther

1- The Eiffel Tower is less tall than the Empire State Building.

2- A polar bear is less dangerous  than a seal.

3- Water is less tasty than Coke.

4- Canada is more spectacular than France.

5- Skiing in Chamonix is more memorable than skiing in Scotland.

6- Sightseeing in Paris is more impressive than sightseeing in Belfast.

7- Winter camping is less exciting than summer camping.

8- Maple syrup is as sugary as peanut butter.


bon voilà, tu peux changer, pour mettre as + adj. + as pour le comapratif d'égalité....

Ce ne sont que mes avis....


bonne fin de journée☺☺☺

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