
Recevez des conseils d'experts et un soutien communautaire sur Rejoignez notre communauté de connaisseurs pour accéder à des réponses fiables et complètes sur n'importe quel sujet.

I) Cherche quelle action englobe l'autre et construis des phrases sur le même modèle :
Ex. They (to listen) to the news when the telephone (to ring).
They were listening to the news when the telephone rang.
1) We (to play) tennis when it (to start) to rain.
2) I (to have) tea when my friends (to arrive).
3) While I (to watch) TV, I (to hear) the plane fly over the house.
4) What .... (to do) when John F. Kennedy (to die)?

bonjour vous pourrez m"aider svp ?​

Sagot :


1) We were playing tennis when it started to rain.

2) I had tea when my friends arrived.

3) While I watched TV, I heard the plane fly over the house.

4) What were you doing when John F. Kennedy died?

Bonne soirée à toi.

Bonjour ! Je pense que je peux t'aider
1) We were playing tennis when it started to rain.
2) I had tea when my friends were arriving
3) While I was watching TV, i heard the plane fly over the house.
4) What were you doing when John F. Kennedy died ?

De riennn