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Bonjour est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider pour cette exo d'anglais de dernier minute
Il faut Conjugué avec le préterit simple ou le preterit en BE + V-ing.
a. She was talking / talked on the phone when she was hearing / heard the noise.
b. The murder was happening / happened while I was working / worked in the room next door
c. The ceremony was taking place / took place when Sherlock was interrupting / interrupted it to check one last thing on the dead body.
d. The body was disappearing / disappeared while the policemen were looking for / looked for some pieces of evidence
e. The musicians were playing / played when the bomb was exploding / exploded.

Merci d'avance​

Sagot :


1: She was talking/ She heard

2:Was happening/ I was working

3:Was taking place/ interrupted

4:Disappered/ were looking for

5:Were playing/ was exploding


Voilaaaa j'espere t'avoir aidé

Talking heard
Happening working
Taking place interrupting
Disappearing looking for
Playing exploding