Zoofast.fr: où vos questions rencontrent des réponses expertes. Posez n'importe quelle question et recevez des réponses rapides et bien informées de la part de notre communauté d'experts bien informés.

bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider class=

Sagot :


1. I haven’t drank vodka yet
2. Lila-Rose has surfed in the Pacific Ocean
3. Have you saw Eminem Concert ?
4.My brother has broke his leg again
5.The teachers has not knew Vicky for a long time
6.Has he gave his mother his cat ?
7. I have drove a tractor
8.Sarah and Jack have visited the west coast of Australia
9.Has they found a new house ?
10.Mrs Smith has not been in London

Je suis pas sure de tout, n’hésitez pas à me corriger si jamais :)

Réponse :


1. I haven't drunk vodka yet.

2. Lila - Rose has surfed in the Pacific Ocean !

3. Have you seen Eminem in concert?

4. My brother has broken his leg again!

5. The teachers haven't known Vicky for a long time.

6.Has he given his mother his cat?

7. I have driven a tractor.

8. Sarah and Jack have visited the west coast of Australia.

9.Have they found a new house?

10. Mrs. Smith hasn't been to London.

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