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Bonjours, pouvez vous m'aider dans cet question ??
write a short story (8-10 sentences) to describe the events using the simple past tense. (Remember to use regular and irregular verbs.)

Bonjours Pouvez Vous Maider Dans Cet Question Write A Short Story 810 Sentences To Describe The Events Using The Simple Past Tense Remember To Use Regular And I class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

One day a young boy was walking by the forest until he saw a hurted bird

so he took the bird with him at home

he Treated his wound and put him in a cage

and one day he saw birds at the window he saw them happy there were flying and singing, so he took a while to think was my bird didn't fly or sing ?

At last, he figured out thats  was because he was in a cage and not free like other birds, so the boy opened the cage and released the bird to liberty

the end

Explications :


bye bye

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