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pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît
7 Choose the correct words.
Temperatures fell dramatically in Florida yesterday, and now iguanas (1) are / were falling from
the sky. The creatures usually (2) live / are living in trees, and they (3) like / are liking the warm
weather. But when it's very cold, the iguanas (4) sleep/ sleeps deeply and they fall from the trees.
15-year-old Bobby Price experienced this strange phenomenon. While he (5) went/ was going to school,
iguanas started falling from the sky. 'I (6) was / were walking along the street when a big iguana (7) fall/
fell on my head', he (8) was telling/told reporters. Fortunately, he (9) wasn't needing / didn't need to
go to hospital. And the iguana (10) survived / was surviving the accident too!​

Sagot :

1- are
2- are
3- are
4- sleep
5- was
6- was
7- fell
8- telling
9- didn’t need
10- survived

Je crois bien que c’est ça.
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