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Bonjour pouver vous maidez avant demain svp:

des phrases à partir des éléments donnés en conjuguant le verbe au préterit de la voix passive.
Exemple: A colony / found / in Jamestown: A colony was founded in Jamestown.

1. New plants and vegetables/ discover by the settlers.
New plants and vegetables

2 Houses /build.

3 A new land / discover.

4 The first settlers / teach / how
to survive by the Indians.

5 In 1621 / a successful harvest* / celebrate

6 British laws / enforce / in Jamestown and all the other colonies.

Sagot :


2 / Houses were builded

3/ A new land was discovered

4/ the first settlers has taught how to survive by the indian


1. New plants and vegetables were discovered by the settlers

5 . In 1621 a succesful harvest was celebrated.

6. British laws were enforced in Jamestown and all the other colonies